Silsoe: Large Residential Development
Outline planning permission was granted on appeal for the erection of 105 dwellings on land east of High Street, Silsoe.
Hayfield Homes instructed DLA Town Planning to prepare and submit a reserved matters application. The reserved matters application was required to be in line with an approved development parameters plan which included the fixed point of access, retained boundary landscaping, a retained hedgerow across the middle of the site and a design and layout appropriate to the location of the site close to Wrest Park, a Grade I Registered Park and Garden.
Working closely with Central Bedfordshire Council and making best use of the pre-application advice provided along with direct liaison with the Parish Council, enabled the reserved matters application to be determined under delegated powers within the 13 week statutory period.
DLA’s work on the site has continued with us supporting Hayfield Homes in successfully securing permission for minor material amendments to the approved scheme.