DLA Town Planning are proud to be ongoing planning advisors for St Alban’s Cathedral. The Cathedral is a Grade I listed building located on a Scheduled Ancient Monument and is in the heart of the St Albans Conservation Area, which makes it the most important building in the city of St Albans.
As part of the ‘Alban, Britain’s First Saint: Telling the Whole Story’ project, the Cathedral has recently constructed and opened their welcome centre and educational facilities in June 2019. This included hard and soft landscaping near to the welcome centre and The Deanery.
A new application has just been submitted by DLA for the alteration and repair to the existing arrangement of hard and soft landscape works in Sumpter Yard. The purpose of the application proposal is to improve the appearance of Sumpter Yard, improve accessibility and enhance the biodiversity. It is intended that this will be achieved by the repair and replacement of poor or failing hard surfaces, including a rationalisation of the materials used, removal of extraneous bollards and signs and by an increase in the quantity and variety of soft landscaping.