Woodlands Nursery

The Woodlands Nursery site is a busy and successful plant nursery on the edge of the village of Upper Caldecote near Biggleswade. The owners wanted to secure the long-term future of the nursery by developing a new plant production facility to improve the way plants are grown and reduce the amount of water and chemicals needed. However, to deliver this plant production unit, enabling development was needed to fund the work. In addition, a new access for HGVs was needed to alleviate highway safety and local amenity issues.

DLA Town Planning was brought in to project manage the production of a site masterplan and the submission of an outline planning application for 9,275sqm of commercial space, 35 dwellings, a plant production unit and new access road. Despite the site being outside the settlement boundary, the Parish Council supported the proposal because of the benefits it brought to the village. Members and officers both supported the scheme and outline permission was granted. Further reserved matters submissions were approved, and nearly all units are occupied.

Follow the link below to view our press release and find out more!


Woodlands Nursery
Woodlands Nursery