High Street, Thurleigh

We are pleased to share that Bedford Borough Council approved an outline application for up to 20 residential units on land adjacent to 67 High Street, Thurleigh.
DLA worked with the Parish Council over a number of years and promoted the site through the Neighbourhood Plan. The site was one of only two which made it into the final Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan assessed the site and concluded “It is centrally located in the village, close to local amenities, and accessed from the High Street. There are no known major constraints which could affect development of this site. A medium scale development of approximately 20 dwellings was considered to be most appropriate for this location.”
The Committee report confirmed that the application had demonstrated at this outline stage that a scheme for 20 dwellings could be accommodated on the site without having a harmful impact on the highways, neighbours, ecology, biodiversity, and the character and heritage of the village.