North Hertfordshire College
In December 2019 DLA Town Planning Ltd working with Saunders Architects and an extensive team of specialist consultants submitted a full planning application for the demolition of an existing sports hall and squash court building, erection of new sports hall, provision of new 3G pitch, new car parking provision, remodelling of site to provide level access to new sports facilities and development of 116 residential dwellings, new access road, open space, landscaping and associated works at North Hertfordshire College, Hitchin.
The project is a joint one between North Hertfordshire College and CALA Homes (North Home Counties) Ltd and is intended to provide the College with additional funding to construct new, state-of-the-art sports facilities for its students and the wider community. The funding comes, in part, from the sale of surplus land to CALA Homes for a residential development.
The consultant team engaged with North Hertfordshire District Council, Hertfordshire County Council and Sport England prior to the submission of the application to ensure all matters were fully understood and addressed in the application and its supporting reports. Significant consultation also took place before the application was submitted with local residents, users of the sports facilities and Councillors. The relationship between the two elements of the development and the requirement to minimise disruption for the users of the sport facilities results in a complex application and DLA securing planning permission for an additional 3G pitch on another site in Hitchin.
Following this success, DLA was invited to the grand opening of the new sports hub at the college. Take a look at our project review by following the link below to find out more!