Overstone Park, Market Harborough
Following extensive pre-application discussions with Market Harborough District Council and their urban design advisors, OPUN, DLA prepared and submitted an outline application to the Council for:
- up to 600 dwellings;
- a 2ha primary school site;
- a local centre;
- open space and play areas;
- a new roundabout access off Kettering Road;
- new vehicular link from Overstone House;
- construction of footways and cycleways;
- regrading of the site and
- sustainable drainage features.
The planning application was submitted with a screening opinion in relation to the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The Council advised that an EIA was required to accompany the application and DLA managed the necessary consultants and assisted in the preparation of the EIA.
Following extensive consideration of the application, a number of amendments to the scheme and additional information and justification supplied by DLA Town Planning and the consultant team, the application was taken to Committee in May 2018 and the decision issued on finalisation of the legal agreement in February 2019.
DLA’s involvement in this site extended over a period of around 15 years but led to a successful conclusion for the client who has since sold the site to a developer.