Woodlands Nursery, Biggleswade
DLA is delighted to announce that at the last Central Bedfordshire Committee meeting, the Council resolved to grant planning permission for an outline application for commercial development in Classes E(g)(ii) – Research and development, E(g)(iii) – industrial processes, B2 – general industrial and B8 – Storage/distribution, for up to 11,000sqm at Woodlands Nursery, Biggleswade.
We also successfully gained approval in 2018 at this site for the erection of a new plant production unit and access road, enabling commercial development in Use Classes B1, B2, and B8, and residential development of up to 35 dwellings. The access road and commercial development from the 2018 application are currently being constructed. Both applications will deliver much-needed commercial and employment space within the local area and create many jobs. This will help Central Bedfordshire Council deliver on its newly adopted Economic Growth Strategy.
The image you see is from inside the newly constructed commercial premises by Barnack Estates. This unit has a 50m clear span to allow its new owners, Unisnacks to relocate their business from London. This is one of many companies that are owners/occupiers at this new business park in Biggleswade.
We are now beginning work on the next phase of commercial development at Woodlands Nursery, and we await more exciting results!